Homage to photography artist Nini Norrmann

I have no idea what a “process-based blog” is about, but I am wearing
a soft spot in my tastes for the low-key semiabstract photographs of
one Nini Norrmann, available elsewhere on their own soi-disant process
. In addition, every time I post a Hesco picture to the
blog, the same Nini Norrmann slaps a “favorite” designation on it.


So in the latest chapter of my continuing effort to match the
arbitrary and capricious supply of postings here to perceived demand,
I dragged the camera out to the backyard yesterday evening during one
of the lulls in the ongoing sandstorm and shot a couple dozen
Hescofotos, then after dinner ran them through the photo editor (crop,
rotate, straighten, tint, shadow, sharpen, and neutral-color picker,
for starters) to create my own batch of semiabstractions, using the
countervailing lattices and bulges of the Hescos as raw material.
Attached are the results.


My favorite so far is no. 1874 (no. 8 in the gallery). The colors seem
more natural and the four-quarters composition is more rigorous, so it
allows the eye to focus on the different contents of each quarter.

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